Show details for the Climate Action Subgroup
Subgroup Photo

What is the Climate Action sub-group?

The Climate Action Sub-Group was established in May 2019 with a view to bringing together those members of The Bray Heads U3A Group interested in informing themselves about climate change, its implications locally, nationally and globally and what actions can be taken to address the impacts.

The Vision of the Sub-Group is to be informed and inform, to consider all options and to choose wisely those actions that would make a difference.

The Mission of the Sub-Group is as follows:

Accepting the scientific evidence and consensus that climate change and biodiversity loss represent critical threats to the future of life and earth - threats which humans have largely created but which we also have the power to mitigate - and responding to the Government's and Wicklow's declaration of a national and local 'Biodiversity and Climate Change Emergency', the mission of The Bray Heads U3A Climate Change Sub-Group is:

  • to inform ourselves and generate awareness more widely of the causes of, and solutions to, this looming crisis
  • to identify ways that we ourselves can play a part in combating the threat; and
  • to encourage, organise and participate in actions with this objective at our family, Group, local and national levels.

Documents associated with the Climate Action subgroup

Doc ID Date Description File Type Action
68 2021-04-22 Resources relating to the carbon cycle docx Show